The Willet G. Miller Medal
The Willet G. Miller Medal is awarded biennially by the Royal Society of Canada for outstanding research in any branch of earth sciences. It is offered for outstanding research in the solid earth sciences and a second in the ocean and atmospheric sciences, if suitably worthy candidates are nominated. Funding for the medal was established in 1941 and it was first awarded in 1943 as the Willet G. Miller Medal for geology.
A description of the medal, information on making a nomination, and a list of past medal winners can be found here. The 2016 Miller Medal was awarded to Dr. Anne de Vernal MRSC, at Université du Québec à Montréal for her research in Quaternary and Pliocene Paleooceanography. Two awards were made in 2018: Ann Gargett (Ocean Sciences), FRSC; Raymond A. Price (Earth Sciences), FRSC.
The deadline for nominations for the 2020 award has now passed. Nominations will reopen in 2021 for the 2022 award.
CFUW Dr. Alice E. Wilson Awards
The Canadian Federation of University Women created an award for female graduate students to honour Dr. Alice E. Wilson. Dr. Wilson was the first female geologist hired by the Geological Survey of Canada, the first female fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the first Canadian woman to become a member of the Geological Society of Canada.
More information about the award eligibility criteria and application process are available on the CFUW website.
IUGS Medals and Awards
The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) is one of the largest and most active non-governmental scientific organizations in the world. Founded in 1961, IUGS is a member of the International Council of Science. IUGS promotes and encourages the study of geological problems, especially those of world-wide significance, and supports and facilitates international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the earth sciences.