CFES stands by other technical, professional and learned societies in condemning many atrocities and injustices throughout Canada and the world. Please scroll down for specific statements made recently.
CFES Highlights
New! Call for nominations- three positions on our Board of Directors
We are currently seeking nominations for three positions that are coming to end of term in April of 2025. Submit your nomination for President-elect, Financial Director, or External Engagement Director! More information can be found in the CFES Announcements.
2024 Mentorship Medal
Dr. Christopher R. Burn of Carleton University has been selected as the CFES Mentorship Medal recipient. Congratulations Dr. Burn!
Canada bidding to host IGC 2028
The International Geological Congress (IGC) is the premier conference for the advancement of global Earth Science. With support from CFES ratified at the 2023 AGM, Canada is now bidding to host the 38th IGC in 2028. More information can be found in the Announcements and
2023 Council and AGM & President's Report
The CFES Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting was held as a hybrid meeting in Ottawa on 30th March - 1st April, 2023. The President's Report highlights our achievements over the past year.
GAC-MAC 2022 - Hear about CFES in our own words
In this 8 minute video clip hear about CFES initiatives and benefits from board and council members.
2023 Mentorship Medal
Dr. Brendan Murphy of St F.X. University has been selected as the CFES Mentorship Medal recipient. We congratulated Brendan on being recognised for his contribution to the geoscience community.
2022 Council and AGM & President's Report
The CFES Council Meeting and Annual General Meeting was held as a hybrid meeting in Ottawa on 22nd - 23rd April, 2022. The President's Report highlights our achievements over the past year.
Key Publications
Geoscience and Canada
Understanding our Earth: the vital role of Canada's Geoscientists
The vital role that geoscientists play in Canada, their contributions to society and our understanding of the Earth, prepared for a general audience and available on our Publications page.
Educational Outreach and Public Engagement
A Guidebook for Geoscience Conference Organizing Committees
This guide released by CGEN and EdGeo in 2022, outlines best practices for educational outreach program delivery by the Canadian geoscience community.
CFES Statement on Anti-Racism
In its role as the coordinated voice of Canada’s Earth Science community, CFES recognizes the many issues arising from systemic racism in Canada. Divisions of any form based on skin colour or a person's ethnic origin deny the dignity that we all deserve of one another; such divisions must be condemned. CFES fully endorses equity and inclusivity, and it supports all efforts toward these aims.
As with other communities, Canada’s Earth Science community – as well as the many research agencies, enterprises, educational institutions, and service sectors that employ Earth Scientists – all benefit directly from the rich diversity of our citizens. It is a source of strength that adds to our scientific, social, and economic capabilities as individual scientists, as organizations in Earth Science and Science in general. Diversity and inclusivity enhance our contributions to society.
On behalf of its 14 member organizations, CFES calls upon Canadians to reject racism in all forms. We all must work together to build a society based on respect and equity for all.
For its part, CFES pledges to:
1) Review its policies and procedures to identify and eliminate bias;
2) Implement Nominations Committee training to ensure that CFES follows fair and transparent selection processes;
3) Actively seek to diversify Board and committee membership, and awards recipients, thereby fully representing Canada's Earth Science community; and
4) Align our activities and actions with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion.